zipper sale!! | ELLINA AMIN

Blogger is a mommy, a wife, a cheapo traveller, a fanfiction reader,

a Manchester United fan and an egg ghost (hantu telur)

but she is on a wheat-free, egg-free, dairy-free diet, so unfortunate.

Will spend most of her savings on flight tickets kids apparel than a few handbags

Monday, September 7, 2009

zipper sale!!

Hi blog,

i'm announcing our petite lass online shop zipper sale.

well, the idea came from, the skirts. partly lah. since we're selling the highwaisted zipper skirts so yeah, 1/2 of it came from that.

the rest, i just thought that zipper could also mean slash/close/zeeeeeep/shhhh? besides, i got tired of "the BIG sale", the raya sale, etc. Hahha.

ah anyways

sales include

Free postage for any 1 item. Meaning, RM4 for Post Express wont be charged :D
another extra 10% ZEEEPS off if you buy 2 items above. Perhaps, if you buy MORRRRe than 4 or 5, or All, we can give you more ZEEEPS! hehe

this is almost as a clearance for our batch #1 collection. We're bringing another batch soon, why not give you boys and girls the chance to get them cheap!! Especially when Raya is coming. Might as well get them for your beloved ones.

:D check out Petite Lass now!


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