i am a daydreamer | ELLINA AMIN

Blogger is a mommy, a wife, a cheapo traveller, a fanfiction reader,

a Manchester United fan and an egg ghost (hantu telur)

but she is on a wheat-free, egg-free, dairy-free diet, so unfortunate.

Will spend most of her savings on flight tickets kids apparel than a few handbags

i am a daydreamer

Saturday, January 16, 2010

why daydreaming?

coz i am a coward. therefore, berangan is like a weapon for a pengecut like me.

as mentioned before, i am only awake when the lights are on (as in malam la. hish) and at 3am to 5am kene turun tangga. (nak pergi dapur sebab time ni selalu lapar. kira cam lunchtime or minum petang la)

tapi takut.

you see..
my parents are antique addicts.
banyak gila barang-barang antik dekat rumah (untuk dijual btw, so kalau suke nak beli barang antik datang la rumah saya - abah, mama, free advertisement for you! pffts - not that i have many readers but still! ok la tu kan?)

every hour, the goddamn godfather clock ( dan jam jam dinding yang lain) would make the tingting sound. (bunyi mcm time recess sekolah pon ade - yang panjang dan ber irama tu)

bila siang-siang mmg tak creepy langsung la kan. tapi kalau sorang2 pagi buta pukul 3 memang la saiko.

1. ure alone as everyone else is sleeping
2. lapa tengah pagi. so nak turun pegi dapur. or maybe nak pegi toilet bawah. sebab toilet atas banyak lipas and lipas is my #1 fear. i'd rather tahan kencing for 2days than pee in a toilet yang ade lipas.
3. time turun tangga ade cermin besa yang boleh nampak pokok kat luar *biasanya cermin ini akan dielakkan dari dilihat semasa turun tangga*
4. almost each time nak turun mesti jam berbunyi (btw, ade 1 jam ni mmg terletak dkt tengah2 tangga)
5. bila dah turun mesti terbayang cerita juon time dia turun tangga (shit menyesal mention. kan dah terbayang balik)


as i said earlier
daydreaming is the tool. for a happy scary-free living.

cos each time when i'm scared, or when my imaginations bring me to scary places/images(macam juon tadi), i would start


berangan kononnya nak pegi dapur sebab ade 1 scene (obviously an awesome self created scene *cough) dengan ______ (insert nama-nama yang sesuai - in my case, it would still be SERIZAWA or YAMAPI) hahaha

even time buat teh tarik pon bayangkanla tengah buat utk serizawa ataupun yamapi setelah mereka penat berlawan dan berjuang dekat sekolah. (walaupun tak tau orang jepun minum teh tarik ataupun tidak)
so automatically, the scary image of a ju-on crawling down the stairs (fck! kenapa kene mention lagi niii) would be eliminated! cheeeyh.

bila berangan kene serious dalam berangan-ing. kalau time berangin asyik fikir "ish tak mungkinlah" baik takpayah berangan.

sebab memang tak mungkin sangatlah kalau nak buat teh tarik untuk serizawa ke ape.

btw, i dedicate this post to my brother who forgot to switch the tv off before leaving to the dreamland.

its a BIG DEAL when you suddenly heard creepy sound from the tv which COULD BE playing a real scary ghost movie ke ape. And you cant just switch it off sebab kalau nak off kene pegi dkt dengan tv and off the sound system sekali. tutup tv je tapi bunyi still ada mmg la tak guna kan. what if time nak off tu tibe2 bende tekejut terjadi dlm cite tu. mmg la takut.

ps. bunyi creepy tadi sebenanye dari cite Anacondas Trail of Blood. Sebab graphic buruk so tak takut sangat :D and dah tuka to channel E :D Jyeah!

ok sekian sahaja
merepek part #8490394
di tengah pagi.


  1. HAHAHAHAHA! yess memang pon i suka saiko diri sndiri lepas tu takot. padan muke. aha especially nk pegi dapur dalam gelap. dammmnnn

  2. hehehe tula. ingat x time naik bukit pegi lookout point. takut2 pon nak jugak saiko diri. hahahaha! ni bodo ni

  3. yesss! hahaha habis la naik flight jgn nak saiko2 :p

  4. ahahahaha..
    itulah. i suruh tido u xnak.
