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DIY : Party Blower with Paper Straw | ELLINA AMIN

Blogger is a mommy, a wife, a cheapo traveller, a fanfiction reader,

a Manchester United fan and an egg ghost (hantu telur)

but she is on a wheat-free, egg-free, dairy-free diet, so unfortunate.

Will spend most of her savings on flight tickets kids apparel than a few handbags

DIY : Party Blower with Paper Straw

Friday, March 25, 2016

Hi Crafters!

In this post, we will be doing Party Blowers using paper straws. Its a fun project to add more variety than the usual party blowers you find in stores. 
What you will need : 

  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Scrap Paper / Wrapping Paper / Unused Photos (ideally 3inch x 10inch)
  • Paper Straw (we are using our baby blue gingham straw!) 
  • Craft glue
  • Paper Clip / Tape / Rubber Band
  • Ruler
  • Tissue Paper (for the fringe, but its optional) 
Step A : Measure 1inch from each side, fold one end & glue as below. 

Step B : Cut straw in half and insert into the center of paper's strip open end.
Step C: Roll the paper stick with a pencil and secure it with a clip / rubber band / tape. 

Step D : Cut fringe from a strip tissue paper and glue it on the folded area. 

Step E : Wrap the fringe around the party blower. And you're done!! 

Many more things you could do with party straws! Maybe in the next DIY if Eislah is in the mood to play with colorful tissue papers :)


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